Welcome to Fire Moon Astrology

horoscope map sextant and star points

What The Stars Tell Us

The stars tell us a wealth about ourselves and our lives and the many paths open to explore. We have only to listen to what they have to say and open ourselves to ask the questions to best understand what information they have to reveal. If we stop and listen - the stars have much to tell us about our story!

meredith-gray at david bowie mural, london england, uk

Who Is Meredith-Gray

I have become extremely comfortable discussing personal details of a client’s life with a blend of sensitivity and a dash of frankness when needed. I also love to express my Bachelor of Fine Arts through various mediums inspired by the cosmos.

vintage typewriter

Connect with FireMoon

Reach out and connect with FireMoon Astrology. I am here to listen and help you find your best path with the help of the stars! I am available for in-person appointments, email and skype consultations.

Contact me and let's connect to find the perfect way for you to connect to your stars!